Australian Blogs is an award-winning blog that has, since 2006, as the Australian Blogosphere’s #1 directory place for people who love to blog. Australian Blogs also has it own blog with useful tips and tricks about blogging. was established in February 2006 as a means of showcasing local blog content. In those early days, locating domestic bloggers was difficult as the preeminent blog directories, and Google Blogsearch, were North American concerns and did not differentiate blogs by country of origin. is a directory that allows bloggers to list the details of their Australian blog i.e. Title, description, URL, as well as keyword tags to which their blog relates. Simply put, it is the Yellow Pages for Australian blogs.
It allows Australian bloggers to list their blog, and blog readers to find Australian blogs.
Blogs are predominantly online journals. Bloggers blog about the goings-on within their spheres of interest e.g. Sports, movies, consumer goods. They share opinions freely and without the commercial bias of traditional media.
Bloggers also tend to attract other bloggers of the same interest group. Another feature common to blogs is the ability for readers to make comments on blog posts. This allows a bi-directional ‘conversation’ to be affected as distinct from the one-way traffic of traditional static websites.
Bloggers also often cite blog posts of other bloggers, or even display related or recommended blogs on the sidebar of their blog. Blog relationships or communities thus take on a tribal nature.
All this highly-integrated online interest groups of mutual backlinking translates to:
- Enhanced search engine (SEO) results for blogs
- Quicker dissemination of relevant news to the people most interested
- Sticky web traffic given the blog’s role as an important vehicle of one’s online presence (the blogger and the blogger’s friends will serve as the key repeat audience).
- to create an online presence
- a means of personal, professional and/or business expression
- to be part of the (online) community.
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